Saturday, March 22, 2008

ASPA Section for Democracy and Social Justice

Welcome to the blogspot for ASPA's newest section!

As far as I know, DSJ is the first ASPA section with a blog. We should be sure we get recognition for this in PA Times and have it known as part of the regular information distributed (note I did not use the word "disseminated") about DSJ.

An important item of note: Richard Box and I are primary authors and administrators for this blog. But anyone who's interested is able to write a post for this blog. To do that, I need to give you permission - but this is easy to do. If you want to write a piece, just email me at and I'll take care of the necessary setup.

Remember, though, that this is a public site, so it's necessary to be somewhat circumspect.

Also, please remember that this site is under development - if you have ideas, suggested links, or see interesting components on other sites/blogs, please let me know.

--posted by Lisa Zanetti

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